The Options Button

File Types Tab

Search speed will decrease in proportion to the number of File Types which are selected; if you are certain of which File Type you are searching for, then only select that File Type. If you are unsure which type of file has been lost, then select more options.

Selecting File Types when performing a "Format Recover" on a previously formatted NTFS partition can be critical.  For best results select a small number of file types that previously existed on the partition.  Recover My Files uses the files types selected to "sync" any lost partitions found.

Note that selections can be made even while the search is being executed.

General Tab

The "General" tab (see screen shot below) contains options such as whether the Recover My Files "Wizard" or "Tips on Startup" dialogue boxes appear when the program is opened.  The "Wizard" screens are detailed in the "Steps to File Recovery"  section and provide the simplest way of launching the program.

Allow searching of Physical Drives. If this is selected then you will also have the option to select a "Physical Drive" in addition to the "Logical Drives" at the start of a Fast or Complete Search.  Use this setting when your drive is no longer able to be

"Event Logging" can be set to 3 levels; None, Normal and Debug. The Event Log is displayed under a tab in the Preview Window. It contains detailed information about the activity of the program and can assist in troubleshooting the File Recovery process.

If the box "Show Properties box in Preview Panel" is checked the Lower Left-side Preview Pane will be visible.

If the box "Show unknown types in Hex view" is checked then file types that have not been selected or not recognized by Recover My Files will be displayed in raw hexadecimal format.  Use this option if you are   or Lower Left-side Preview Pane will be visible.

If the box "Save with folder information if known" is checked the Save Files function will restore the files to the folders from which they were originally deleted.

If the box "Retain original file date/times if known" is checked the Save Files function will restore the original File Creation and File Modified dates and times.

If the box "Rename filename to found extension" is checked the Save Files function will rename files using the extension of the file type that the file was identified as.  For example, if a file named "~WRD0001.TMP" is recovered and identified as a Word document then it will be renamed to "~WRD0001_TMP.doc".

Search Tab

The "Search" tab (see the screen shot below) controls how Recover My Files will search for your Deleted and Lost Files

Deleted Files

In this section you can select whether you want to search for Deleted Files by clicking the "Search for Deleted Files" box.

Also you can select whether you want Recover My Files to try and determine the type of Deleted File by clicking the "Try and determine file type of Deleted Files"

Our Recommendation: Keep both these options on.

Lost Files

In this section you can select whether you want to search for "Lost Files" by clicking the "Search for Lost Files" box. Also you can select whether you want Recover My Files to try and determine the file size of the Lost Files by clicking the "Try and determine file size of Lost Files"

When Recover My Files finds a "Lost File" the program: determines the type of file that it has found (e.g. is it a MS Word document or a JPEG etc); and then determines the size or length of the file (e.g. is it 1 megabyte or 5 megabytes).

When the "Go to end of file when file found" option is selected:

Recover My Files stops processing the file that it has located, moves to the end of the file, and continues the search from this point. It will continue this process until it reaches the end of the disk space and the search is complete.

Advantages:  The speed of the search is increased because the contents of identified file types are not searched.

Disadvantages: If corruption of a deleted file has occurred the reported files size may be inaccurate and may cause the program to skip an otherwise recoverable file.

When the "Go to end of file when file found" option is NOT selected:

Recover My Files locates a lost file, calculates its type and size, but continues to search through the files contents looking for other embedded files. Using this method you ensure that other files are not missed due to the skipping process.

Advantages:  This method may recover additional files from your computer.

Disadvantages: It will increase the time that it takes for the search to complete.

Our Recommendation: In some cases files could be missed due to the reporting of an incorrect file size. We recommend the "Go to end of file when file found" is left not selected so that no recoverable information is overlooked.

Format Recovery

Allows you to set the maximum number of partitions to recover.  We recommend you leave this setting at 4 unless you know that more than 4 partitions existed on a formatted drive.

The "Intensive Partition Search Setting" will determine the aggressiveness of matching partitions to lost files found.  We do not recommend that you change this setting unless instructed by one of GetData's support staff.  During a Format Recovery if no lost data can be matched to a partition then Recover My Files will create 2 default partitions; one starting the beginning of the drive, sector 0 and one starting at sector 63.

Advanced Tab

Search Active and Non-Active Areas:  If this is selected Recover My Files will search the entire drive, sector by sector or cluster by cluster.  This should only be used if you have accidentally deleted your entire drive, re-partitioned your drive, or re-formatted your drive.

Allow searching of Physical Drives: If this is selected then you will also have the option to select a "Physical Drive" in addition to the "Logical Drives" at the start of a Fast or Complete Search.  Use this setting when your drive is no longer able to be recognised by Windows as a drive letter.  This setting will not affect the ability to select physical drives when performing a Format Recover.  

Prompt for Start Cluster/Sector:  You can use this option to start the search of your disk drive at a specific sector or cluster on the drive.  You will be prompted at the beginning of the search for the sector or cluster.

The Search Level: Cluster or Sector, specifies whether you want Recover My Files to search using sectors or clusters.  Cluster searching is faster, as is the Default setting.  Use sector searching when you have accidentally formatted, or re-partitioned your drive.


Allows the setting of options when saving files directly to CD or DVD.